Sunday, May 22, 2016

An Afternoon in May OOTD //

9:21:00 PM
 Hello all! Here is my outfit of the day for May 22, 2016. I wanted to be slightly casual, but also create a more sophisticated and "high end" type fashion look. To do this, I stuck with minimal colors, (a dark denim, white, and cream pink), and used some current fashion trends, like the lace up heels and crossbody bag. Might I also add that my haircut looks absolutely KILLER with this particular look. I didn't add too many accessories, or extra "bling" in order to maintain the sophistication.  This outfit is very simple, but looks light and effortless; perfect for springtime.

Jeans- American Eagle Outfitters
Top- Marshall's (I think-- I honestly don't remember)
Bag- Forever 21
Shoes- Aldo

Monday, May 16, 2016

Spontaneously Chopping Off My Hair //

4:13:00 PM
spontaneity (n.): the condition of acting on a sudden inner impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus //

This definition, I feel, fits the things I have been feeling and doing over the last couple of weeks, and especially so within the last couple of days. There have been so many things that I had been putting off and procrastinating on for the longest time, and out of nowhere, I would get unprecedented urges to do those things. 

One of these things is cutting my hair. For the longest time, my hair has had nearly 6 inches of dead ends, and I'd been thinking about cutting it for a long while. But it was an on-and-off kind of thing, and whenever I decided to chop it, I'd think about how I wouldnt be able to put it in cute braids and wrap it around my head, or how it wouldn't fall softly down my back, and how I wouldn't be mermaid all the time (update: I am still a mermaid). However, yesterday, I felt the desire to cut it, and went out and did it right then. I didn't give myself the time to second guess it this time; I just dove right in and did it. That felt so good. //

Physically, my hair is healthier, as I no longer have 6 inches of dead, dry, mangled knots. It is sleek and shiny, and bounces in a new way. I love the way I can run my fingers through it without getting tangled up in a bunch of knots, and I love being able to fling it around and feel it's lightness, and let it bounce ever so slightly up to my ears and back down to my shoulders wheere it lays. It's not heavy and bogged down by the weight of it's own curls; it seems to have a new life to it. And, of course, it looks so good, if i do say so myself

Emotionally, I somewhat feel as though I am "new." Not a whole new person altogether; I'm not suggesting that this haircut was a significant, life-changing moment, however, I feel refreshed. The change, although small, is good. And the feeling of being spontaneous; just going out and diving headfirst into something I had been hesistant about for quite a while, was both inspiring and uplifting. Detaching myself from something that I'd admired so much- to the point where I even adopted it as a part of me- was like shedding this exterior, and alleviating fears that I didn't even know existed. I didn't realize it before I cut my hair, but after I cut it, I realized that it was this unecessary thing that I was holding on to, solely because I had adopted it as part of my identity and used it to, in a way, hide behind. By maintaining a constant look, and sticking to normalcy, I was able to become invisible whenever I wanted to. If I was ever feeling down about where I was in life, I would look to my long locks as a sign of beauty and vanity. My hair was something that acted as a security blanket for me, and I realized that that was why I was so afraid to lose it all. //

Your physical exterior- hair, blood, flesh, and bones- are not what define your soul. Your body is merely an earthly container for something so much more vast and cosmic and magical than that. Go out and shake things up sometimes. It won't hurt; I promise. Change things, and notice how alive you feel when you realize that you can literally change anything physically, but all the while you are fundamentally, beautifully, completely you. Think about how your physical traits; how you look and how you dress; mean nothing. You can look however you want and dress however you want and do your makeup however you want; it does not define you. Do not be afraid to break barriers or step out of your comfort zone. You'll be glad you did. //


Saturday, May 14, 2016

I'm On YouTube Now (For The Third Time) //

8:13:00 PM
So, as of four days ago, I am officially back on YouTube! I made a channel about 3 or 4 years ago, and it was not good, like, at all. I just needed to stop. Now, fortunately I have deleted that channel, so visions of my 12 year old self won't be coming back to haunt me. //

Then, 2 (ish) years ago, I made a new channel that I intended to update regularly, and post quality videos (which, as you can probably guess, didn't work out all too well.) That channel has 7 or 8 videos, but I'm only proud of about 2 of them. Partially, my content wasn't very good, and partially I just had a really low quality camera. So, all videos on that account have been privated.

For Christmas 2014, I got a Canon Rebel t3i (well technically I got it in November, but it was an early Christmas gift nonetheless.) I told myself that as soon as I had a nice camera, I'd upload nice videos on a consistent basis. So, I started up a channel with my best friend Izzy, which we use regularly (You can check that out here!) //

As of a couple days ago though, I have my own personal channel up, which I figured I would connect with this blog in a way. Just like I post a random variety of things I love on here, I'll be posting a random assortment of things I love on my YouTube channel as well. Music, fashion, dance, photography, random trips-- whatever really. I already have 2 videos posted, including the promo to my spring collection (which went on the runway on Thursday, May 12), and one is a new summer/festival lookbook.

So yea I hope y'all check that out here; I look forward to sharing with you guys on a new medium. Thanks for reading this long compilation of words, I hope I didn't bore you too much today! .xx

Monday, May 09, 2016

Silver Linings (Spring 2016) //

11:22:00 PM
Before this post gets underway, I would like to apologize in advance for my recent absence on blogger. I really don't have a valid reason for it; all I can say is that I have been super busy lately, with the fashion show coming up in just 2 days! In honor of the hard work I've put in, I decided to post this brief promo video that I filmed for this collection. Please enjoy it! //

Silver Lining (n): an expression emphasizing the hope in an unfortunate or gloomy situation

This collection features evening wear for sad princesses. After all, being a princess isn't all it's cracked up to be. Society judges your every move, and everyday is centered around a series of rules and regulations. There is hope, princess. You make your own fairytale. Make life beautiful with the Silver Linings collection. //

I got the inspiration for this collection from castles, fountains, sculptures, and other architecture associated with royalty. The whole theme was "sad princesses;" focusing on the societal pressures put on young girls in society, while drawing the parallel to the rules and expectations put on those in royal families. However, there is still hope even in the darkest of situations, and I wanted this collection to be able to tell the stories of girls overcoming their struggles and oppression. Hence, the "silver linings" (each garment literally has silver lining on the inside), but also the idea of looking for the beacon of hope even in the most difficult of situations, and holding onto it.

I kept the color palette for this collection in the cool colors, to create the moody atmosphere. However, all of the fabrics are very light and flowy, which maintain a very feminine look. Additionally, the floral overlays and patterns created throughout the garment add another layer of texture and femininity, gaining influence from the multi-layered skirts, corsets, and underwear in the Victorian era; worn especially by royal families. //

~ fashion, food, art, travel, & adventure ~
