Sunday, January 10, 2016

New York City, 12:49 AM //

i sit and stare out my apartment window, 
i see myself in the city below me
she's surrounded by;
filled with;
thousands of people
trying to see what she's really about. 
none of them will ever be close enough 
to hear secrets whispered into their ears,
or to see her green eyes gleaming with wild truths of love and life.

that information is only spilled to her closest friends;
the ones who choose to amble down her bustling streets
who find adventure getting lost between tall buildings and small shops
and feel excitement underneath the bright lights of her skyscrapers
and atop the dark pavement of her hundred sidewalks

as i wander throughout her core, 
i am pushed to the side by so hands
so many hands,
all trying to reach something intangible, 
something so real that it doesn't even exist at all
i mean thats why we're all here, isn't it? 
to reach some far off goal, that we'll probably never even get to see.
we are all loners, 
looking to fit in and be someone. 
she's a city for dreamers. 

i feel her in my bloodstream
she crawls up through my body and up to my neck 
she suffocates me, 
drowns me, 
and kills me
my eyes grow wide with wonder
because despite her loneliness
she feels so alive


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