Sunday, May 31, 2015

Busy Busy Bee //

*insert That's so Raven vocal riff* Yup, that's me.
It's Sunday after what was quite possibly the longst week of my life. I am completely worn out and exhausted. It seems as though I can go months without having anything to do, then all of a sudden all activities are scheduled in a 6-day time period. 
•Last Sunday, my family and I were in Maine, and I was so relaxed and happy to be spending time with those I love and remembering those we've lost. 
•On Monday, we travelled home from Maine in a 4-hour long car ride. I did a lot of schoolwork and such, but I was able to ho to bed at a decent hour.
•Tuesday, I had a fashion show at the State House, which meant missing all my classes for the day. Following my return, I had rehearsal for Once Upon a Mattress til about 6 pm. I completed some work, and finished a project, causing me to be in bed at 11 pm. 
•Wednesday, I had to sing at a community breakfast, making me miss my study period (meaning i had to do all work the prior night, and miss my chior class to makeup a history test) I had lots of makeup work,seeing  as I had missed classes on Tuesday. I had double the tests, double the homework, and double the amount of things to rehearse for the other show I'm in, Black Comedy. Basically, I was in bed at 1 am. (Plus I was already exhausted from the day before, so this was just bad) 
•Then Thursday came, and it was hard to even keep my eyeballs open. I thought about taking a day off, but I realized that with the amount of things I have going on, I can't afford to just miss days. I had  classes all day, except period 10, in which I had to leave biology early to perform Once Upon a Mattress. Then I had to rehearse Black Comedy til about 7:15. Immediately after, I drove over to my sister's school to see her choir concert. She wanted milkshakes after, so her and I (being a good sister) went to Friendly's. I got home at about 8 pm, and proceeded to do homework til about 11:45 pm. (also, all day Thursday I thought it was Friday) 
•Finally, Friday came. It was actually quite relaxing, because after school, I only had a 30 minute rehearsal (so that seniors could get to prom), and then ate Chipotle, and then went to my pal's house for her Sweet 16. Of course it was fun, but parties=getting home at 1 am. So naturally, I was exhausted when ai had to wake up at 8 am to work on...
•...Saturday. I woke up, and did stage makeup in the morning for my matineĆ© show. I then babysat from 10-12:15 (with said makeup on), and immediately after, I performed Once Upon A Mattress, came home and began homeworking (because for some reason, I had quite a bit this weekend.) I stayed up til 11 by my own accord (wicked bad idea-- but obviously I had to watch Law & Order: SVU for like 3 hours.) 
•Now it's Sunday, and I went out for breakfast early, then went to church, then went out flower/herb shopping, then took my cat for a walk outside, and am now here blogging. I know there's work to be done later, but I need a break to sit back and relax, look at all the new flowers & herbs, and listen to some Zeppelin on le record player. This week has been long, but I feel productive. It's worth it. Sometimes you need to feel the pain to also feelthe gain, ya know? 
Anywho, thanks for listening to this rant, and if there's one thing to learn from this, kewp your head up and always focus on the positives. If you don't have to struggle, it's not even worth it. Life isn't going to be delivered to you on a silver platter, but it's too short to focus on the bad little things. Just focus on the beauty in situations. xoxo

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